Children's Book Author

Jeanmarie Courtney Children's Book Author

Reflecting on what’s important

chair under redbud tree

A lot has hap­pened in the world since I last wrote. It is hard to think of cre­ativ­i­ty when world events, nation­al events, and per­son­al events engage our hearts so strongly. 

This day I wish you all peace, and time to reflect on what’s impor­tant in each of our roles in our dai­ly life.  Strength­en­ing our inner selves requires cre­ative choic­es in a chal­leng­ing world.

Take time when you can to pull in, away from neg­a­tiv­i­ty and dark­ness and be thank­ful for those gifts you have in your life (peo­ple, the beau­ty of nature, home … ) and the gifts you have to share with oth­ers (exper­tise, strength, kind­ness … ). This grat­i­tude is a pos­i­tive choice and can give your mind and heart a respite from trou­bling events.

As a write this entry, I reflect on how events, pos­i­tive and neg­a­tive, trig­ger new cre­ativ­i­ty and ways to best respond to them … cop­ing skills for our­selves, sup­port­ive skills for oth­ers … how we move for­ward togeth­er in the face of unfore­seen events.

Wish you well. JNC 

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