Jeanmarie Courtney Children's Book Author

Nurture yourself

I have tak­en on some extra respon­si­bil­i­ties in the last month. In order to do so oth­er things were set aside.

As my work­load shifts back to more writ­ing this week, I reflect on the impor­tance of being present even though our brain has many demands put upon it. When I work direct­ly with my stu­dents or get into the flow of writ­ing a book, I am very much in the moment. My focus is high­ly tuned and my cre­ativ­i­ty is in full force. Joy in each of these activ­i­ties helps me achieve this. Set­ting up my envi­ron­ment, pre-plan­ning, and work­ing over­time — all these tasks help me to fine-tune my work.

Be sure to take time to nur­ture your­self (sleep, move­ment, nutri­tion) and to set up an envi­ron­ment so when you approach your work, you can give it your best in that moment.

Wish­ing you joy in your cre­ative efforts!  JNC

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