Jeanmarie Courtney Children's Book Author

Cloudscape: Matilda’s Story

Cloudscape Matilda's Story

writ­ten by J.N. Court­ney
J.N. Court­ney Pub­li­ca­tions, 2019

CLOUDSCAPE, a children’s adven­ture fan­ta­sy series, is a sky-high adven­ture, 6000 feet above the earth. Fol­low Matil­da’s excit­ing sto­ry when she unex­pect­ed­ly arrives on CLOUDSCAPE, a hid­den world. She’ll learn more about her abil­i­ty to pre­dict things, encounter dan­ger, adven­ture and have a very cool job which requires leap­ing across the cloud. She learns about dif­fer­ent cul­tures and makes new friend­ships from all over the world. With strength, courage and cre­ativ­i­ty, she’ll sur­vive this unusu­al world and find her way back home

Behind the Book

Cloud­scape Matil­da’s Sto­ry is the begin­ning of the series but was­n’t the first book writ­ten. I began the Cloud­scape series with Char­lie’s adven­tures. When I wrote the end of his book, I real­ized that there was more to the sto­ry. I need­ed to share about Matil­da’s expe­ri­ence too, plus Kag­iso’s time in Cloud­scape after she met Char­lie. I am writ­ing Kag­iso’s sto­ry, the third and final book in the series, in 2025. I hope you enjoy read­ing about a whole new world!! You may nev­er look at clouds the same again. (JNC)


“… an intu­itive young hero­ine vis­its the world of Cloud­scape in this mid­dle-grade pre­quel … the authen­tic­i­ty of Matil­da’s feel­ings (duti­ful­ly record­ed in her jour­nal) is a win­ning qual­i­ty.” (Kirkus Reviews)

Cloudscape Matilda's Story

writ­ten by J.N. Court­ney
J.N. Court­ney Pub­li­ca­tions, 2019

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