Children's Book Author

Jeanmarie Courtney Children's Book Author

Why am I writing?

I recent­ly had a set-back in my writ­ing. I had to take a deep breath, step back, and con­sid­er why I am writ­ing. Although writ­ing phys­i­cal­ly on my own, the writ­ing also encom­pass­es oth­ers (in my home, in my day-to-day life, my sched­ule of see­ing peo­ple, mak­ing appoint­ments, wear­ing my oth­er busi­ness hat), as well as the sto­ry — who or what I’m writ­ing about. It is usu­al­ly not done in a vac­u­um — although typ­ing or writ­ing it can seem that way. 

I found it was impor­tant again to remind myself why I write. I write to share with oth­ers. I write because I feel I have words in me that need to be shared. I write to make a dif­fer­ence — to con­tribute as part of my life’s work. 

In step­ping back, I found new ways to reach out to oth­ers to fur­ther define and under­stand the com­po­nents of a sto­ry that were impor­tant. I appre­ci­ate those who helped me find an audi­ence to share with. I am grate­ful for the hon­esty and time those in the group gave me to help me with my sto­ry. I real­ized again that I don’t write a sto­ry alone or just with those it’s obvi­ous that I’m writ­ing about. There are oth­er mem­bers in the broad­er com­mu­ni­ty who sup­port me and sup­port the ideas that writ­ers (and poten­tial read­ers) need and want to share.  I write with­in a writ­ing com­mu­ni­ty. When I’ve reached out to oth­ers about com­po­nents of my sto­ry, I found cre­ativ­i­ty in how to share it with them. I also found more rea­sons to be grate­ful to oth­ers along this writ­ing jour­ney. JNC

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