Children's Book Author

Jeanmarie Courtney Children's Book Author

New Year’s Goals

pond with snow

I enjoy set­ting New Year’s goals. I find it stretch­es my mind to think of the pos­si­bil­i­ties in dif­fer­ent areas of my life.

I con­sid­er set­ting them for the fol­low­ing areas:  Per­son­al, Friends and Fam­i­ly, Home, Writ­ing, Occu­pa­tion­al Ther­a­py (Career), and Financial.

I encour­age you to iden­ti­fy at least one thing you can do in each area of your life. I want to grow and learn through­out my life and set­ting goals helps me to do so. I review them once a month.

One of my goals is to add more col­or to my home. I’ve been read­ing the book Joy­ful: The Sur­pris­ing Pow­er of Ordi­nary Things to Cre­ate Extra­or­di­nary Hap­pi­ness by Ingrid Fetell Lee. It’s inspir­ing me to bring more col­or into my home. My thoughts, at the moment, are to paint my office area a more cheer­ful col­or, and to make a few pil­lows for my couch and chairs that “pop” with col­or. In the Spring, I’d like to plant more flow­ers that I can enjoy indoors too. JNC

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