Jeanmarie Courtney Children's Book Author

Writing things down

Hap­py New Year!  Wish­ing you peace, joy, adven­ture and less wor­ry­ing about Covid-19/omi­cron.

I find a lot of joy in writ­ing things down. If I was to say I had a fid­get, it would be a pen. Although you may not tend towards writ­ing your­self, you might find some type of jour­nal or note­book of ideas help­ful in keep­ing track of your thoughts and ideas, dreams and wishes … 

Our brains work in such cre­ative ways. Just putting a thought down on paper begins to add to its strength in my brain. I’ve read that our brains are such won­der­ful prob­lem solvers that it likes to solve them in the back­ground if we give it a chance — fer­ment­ing per­haps while we’re busy doing oth­er things.

I also keep a grat­i­tude jour­nal — noth­ing fan­cy, just a book with lines and an appeal­ing cov­er. It helps me reflect on the day and, if noth­ing else (espe­cial­ly dur­ing dark Covid-19 days), to be grate­ful for my home, food, heat, fam­i­ly and friends. Yes­ter­day, I not­ed how beau­ti­ful the snow was out­side my kitchen win­dow, trail­ing along the tree branch­es and top­ping the bird feed­er. JNC 

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