I enjoy setting New Year’s goals. I find it stretches my mind to think of the possibilities in different areas of my life.
I consider setting them for the following areas: Personal, Friends and Family, Home, Writing, Occupational Therapy (Career), and Financial.
I encourage you to identify at least one thing you can do in each area of your life. I want to grow and learn throughout my life and setting goals helps me to do so. I review them once a month.
One of my goals is to add more color to my home. I’ve been reading the book Joyful: The Surprising Power of Ordinary Things to Create Extraordinary Happiness by Ingrid Fetell Lee. It’s inspiring me to bring more color into my home. My thoughts, at the moment, are to paint my office area a more cheerful color, and to make a few pillows for my couch and chairs that “pop” with color. In the Spring, I’d like to plant more flowers that I can enjoy indoors too. JNC