Creativity can be like “opening a door” to your imagination. There are times when I feel too busy or tired to have new ideas for my stories and I take a break. But, once I “invite” my imagination to work on a story idea, I find I think of ideas all the time. I keep a notebook and pen by my bed so I can reach for it, without turning on the light. I am right-handed. I can write ideas down, again without the light, by placing my left thumb on the left side of the page, my pen starts writing next to my thumb. For each line of words, my thumb descends down the page.
I keep paper and pen in the car, in my purse. Of course, napkins and receipts also work for random ideas. Be sure to have something at hand when the ideas flow. If I write them down, I don’t forget them. When I talk myself out of writing them down, they’re very difficult to retrieve.
Of course, having a phone with a “notes” or “memo” app, or recording ideas is another option.
I am in the middle now of working with a new story idea and it’s a bit overwhelming. Good luck with yours. JNC