Jeanmarie Courtney Children's Book Author

When I can’t find the time to write

As I dove into the final months of writ­ing for my third book, I for­got to add to this blog. Look­ing back, I am grate­ful for the pow­er of pri­or­i­tiz­ing time for some­thing I believe in over the course of the last ten months. It has helped me to almost com­plete a final draft of my third book.

When I don’t think I can find the time, I set the timer — usu­al­ly for 45 min­utes — and then for a 5–10 minute break before begin­ning again. Usu­al­ly after three 45-minute blocks, I stop and recharge with some­thing else.

It also helped to make appoint­ments with a free­lance edi­tor who expect­ed a few pages to edit once a week. 

Exer­cis­ing, try­ing to stay healthy, with occa­sion­al choco­late helps, too. Under­ly­ing this work is the belief that I can do it — I’ve set my mind to it.

And I wish you, those of you writ­ing or under­go­ing oth­er chal­leng­ing, cre­ative tasks to keep that con­fi­dence in your­self alive and remem­ber that pri­or­i­tiz­ing your time, set­ting the timer, set­ting goals with some­one else you have to meet — will lead to accom­plish­ing those dreams.

Best wish­es, JNC

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