Sometimes, it feels that creativity is lagging, difficult to find, or the ideas just aren’t flowing.
Some strategies which you might find helpful include:
1) patience — perhaps you have to get the research of a topic out of the way first before your mind can begin finding bits of inspiration.
2) perhaps you need to manage some commitments in your life as they are weighing you down and not leaving much room for the imagination to take hold (it’s true that life does get in the way). Try setting a timer to write for only 10–15 minutes on those days and feel that this is an accomplishment.
3) choose to write someplace new in your home, a different cafe, the library (perhaps one that’s not local), outside on a picnic table, in your car while it rains …
4) and if you really can’t find those creative thoughts, be kind to yourself as each of us has our unique daily challenges. Tomorrow is a new day.
Best wishes with your work. JNC