Jeanmarie Courtney Children's Book Author

Studying nonfiction books

I’m on a learn­ing curve for a non­fic­tion book. As I learn more about the struc­ture my book will take, as well as all of the sup­port­ing end mate­r­i­al, I ben­e­fit from see­ing what’s been done before by oth­ers skilled in the field.

Painters, learn­ing their craft, study from the mas­ters before they find their niche.

I am study­ing mul­ti­ple non­fic­tion bio­graph­i­cal sci­ence books learn­ing how they work and what I like best. I find the authors/illustrators of the many books I review are sources of exper­tise and inspi­ra­tion as I move for­ward on a new learn­ing curve.

Best wish­es to you as you grow in your cre­ative works.  JNC

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