Jeanmarie Courtney Children's Book Author

Researching a nonfiction book

I’ve been inspired to write a non­fic­tion book. It is amaz­ing how the joy of shar­ing oth­ers’ inno­v­a­tive work can impact your own thoughts and cre­ativ­i­ty. Not only am I research­ing a sci­en­tist’s work, which is fas­ci­nat­ing, but I’m also study­ing how oth­er authors have shared sim­i­lar work. I’m tak­ing notes and find­ing new ideas by study­ing oth­ers’ suc­cess­ful endeav­ors in writ­ing non­fic­tion chil­dren’s books. I am build­ing on what oth­ers have done before me and per­son­al­iz­ing the task. Best wish­es to you in your endeav­ors as well. JNC

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