Jeanmarie Courtney Children's Book Author


redbud tree blossoming

I have recent­ly been read­ing a book about “Kaizen.” It refers to tak­ing small steps over a peri­od of time to make a big­ger dif­fer­ence in your life. I’ve been apply­ing it to my writ­ing and Occu­pa­tion­al Ther­a­py. I believe, as I’ve writ­ten ear­li­er, that begin­ning a task and get­ting the idea for some­thing in your head, and then giv­ing your brain time to work with it, can lead to cre­ative results. So, even if I only take or have 10 min­utes to jot down a few ideas for some­thing, I do it, know­ing that I’ve moved for­ward in even a small way. That ini­tial 10 min­utes tends to spark my ideas and help them grow into con­crete steps and blos­som­ing ideas for mov­ing for­ward.  Best wish­es with your efforts to begin your cre­ative work with small steps lead­ing to big­ger results over time! JNC

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