Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapy is a profession under the healthcare umbrella, yet it also refers to services within the educational setting, which is where I’ve had my 26+ years of experience. I’ve worked with amazing children helping them to be their best selves as they strive to do the “occupational” activities required within the “school” setting, whether that be in a public, private, or home environment.
I appreciate the opportunity to collaborate with others dedicated to improving students’ lives. At this time, I work in my own private practice with a focus on fine motor skill development and addressing sensory processing concerns with students locally. All of my clients’ parents have learned of my services through word-of-mouth recommendations. I am very fortunate to have this opportunity to work with children on increasing their independence and building their self-confidence.
I also do community presentations. I enjoy sharing information related to sensory processing (e.g., use of a sensory room, a sensory diet) and about fine motor development information. I have shared ideas and strategies with public and private school staff, school teams, individually with family members, and to the general public at the Penfield, New York library. I have been a guest lecturer at Nazareth College, presenting information on sensory processing, and an introduction to Occupational Therapy in the school setting (with hands-on activities).