Children's Book Author

Jeanmarie Courtney Children's Book Author

Cloudscape: Charlie’s Story

Cloudscape Charlie's Story

writ­ten by J.N. Court­ney
J.N. Court­ney Pub­li­ca­tions, 2016

Meet Char­lie, an ordi­nary boy, about to go on an “extra-ordi­nary” adven­ture.

Char­lie loves base­ball, his fam­i­ly and friends on earth. But one trip on an air­plane will change his life for­ev­er. Sud­den­ly, he’s in a mys­te­ri­ous new world, 6000 feet above the earth, hid­den in the clouds. There’s dan­ger, new friends, school, and weird changes to his body!

Charlie’s new world is full of won­der and adven­ture with new inven­tive foods, crazy base­ball rules, and strange trans­porta­tion. Fol­low his mis­sion to find a way to return to earth. It’ll take courage, per­se­ver­ance, help from a friend, and belief in his dis­cov­ery of a tru­ly “unbe­liev­able” way home. 

Behind the Book

The CLOUDSCAPE fan­ta­sy adven­ture series was cre­at­ed out of my imag­i­na­tion as I flew from New York to Cal­i­for­nia for a col­lege reunion. I was look­ing out the win­dow and observ­ing the clouds, when I sud­den­ly thought of peo­ple liv­ing there and how they would sur­vive. I took out pen and paper and start­ed writ­ing down my thoughts. It was very excit­ing how quick­ly the ideas came to me. I hope you enjoy read­ing about a whole new world!! You may nev­er look at clouds the same again. (JNC)


“In Court­ney’s debut mid­dle-grade book, an ordi­nary boy vis­its a won­der­ful world where inter­na­tion­al refugees live among the clouds.” (Kirkus Reviews)

Cloudscape Charlie's Story

writ­ten by J.N. Court­ney
J.N. Court­ney Pub­li­ca­tions, 2016

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